The city of Sandy Springs is hosting a community input meeting on Thursday, March 5th at 6:00pm and will be held at City Hall, located at 1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs, Ga. 30328.
Will you be there? We NEED your voice.
What We Know
- The city is considering REMOVING some of the zoning restrictions on the North End, the same restrictions currently in place throughout the rest of the city
- This would allow developers to begin work on new construction
- The city is weighing tax breaks for developers so that they are given additional free right to build what they want, with little limitations
- Some members of the CURRENT Advisory Committee want ONLY single-family homes built in Sandy Springs, and many are representing their neighborhood’s Home Owners Associations.
- There is ONE renter on the committee.
What We Don’t Know
There’s a few questions that we need answers to that we hope will come out of this meeting:
- Where will the current families be when all of this is finished?
- Will they still be here?
- Or will they have been forced out?
We Need You There
Your voice is needed at this meeting.
Is this the type of city we want?
Or do we want to have development with preservation of housing affordability?
We can, and should, do both. But we need YOU to stand with us by making your voice heard, loud and clear. Share your stories, your insight, your feedback. Lift your voices.
See you on March 5th at 6pm at City Hall!