Each year, Sandy Springs city officials work together to prepare a detailed budget that is used to determine how to best allocate our tax dollars. The budget provides a blueprint for how the city will invest in our community, our people, our roads, parks and public transportation.
In 2023, Sandy Springs’ fiscal budget was $136 million. The city began its public budgeting process for fiscal year 2024 on May 2, 2023, and the final budget will be presented to our City Council on June 20, 2023.
Think of our city’s budget like your family or personal one. It’s important to prioritize the most pressing needs and sometimes tough decisions have to be made. The good news is that you have a voice in how the city makes the call on what’s important, and what can wait.
The city budget helps Sandy Springs residents hold our local leaders accountable for how they spend our tax dollars. Ultimately, the budget that’s adopted and approved should reflect our city’s values.
How can I make sure my values are reflected in our city’s budget?
Throughout the budgeting process, there are opportunities for Sandy Springs residents to voice their opinions on what’s most important to our community right now.
We encourage you to stay informed by attending any of the scheduled budget meeting workshops to hear from our elected officials and give input:
• Watch the initial Fiscal Year 2024 budget workshop from Tuesday, May 2
• Watch the second budget workshop from Tuesday, May 16:
• May 23 at 4 p.m.: City Council Proposed Budget Presentation
• June 6 at 6 p.m.: First Public Hearing and Budget Workshop
• June 20 at 6 p.m. Final Public Hearing and Budget Adoption
You can find more in-depth information about Sandy Springs’ annual budget process on the city’s website.
Another useful resource is the Georgia Municipal Association’s (GMA) Budget Guide for Georgia’s Municipalities. In this guide, you can learn more about what goes into a city’s budget and the process for developing one. The guide also includes definitions of budgeting terms, an explanation of the roles of stakeholders in the budget process, a step-by-step process to developing a municipal budget and the laws, regulations and principles that guide the budget process.Sandy Springs is poised to have another large budget that determines how we move our community forward. The great news is that when you get involved, you have a say in the future of Sandy Springs.