Are you registered to vote? Have you moved or changed your name in the past several months?
Have you NEVER voted but are eligible to, or has it been a long time since you last voted?
Then you must register to vote or update your voter registration status! What are you waiting for?!
The upcoming midterm election will shape the future of our state and country for the next decade and beyond. Making sure you are registered to vote is the first and most CRUCIAL step in ensuring that your voice is heard this fall.
Registering to vote is a quick and easy process that takes very little time and can even be done from the comfort of your own home. The Georgia Secretary of State’s website has a helpful how-to guide that provides information on the steps and materials you need to register to vote.
- Read More: Georgia’s How-to Voter Registration Guide
Voting is a means to communicate to our elected officials how well we think our local, state, or federal government is doing. It is the foundation of our democracy. By voting, we can elect officials who will represent our ideas and interests in government, as well as voice our opinion about public projects, services and laws that directly impact our communities.
October 11, 2022 is the voter registration deadline for the November 8th General Election. Is your voter registration up to date? It’s time for a check-up.
You can check to ensure that your voter registration status is active by going to the Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter Page website.
- More Information: My Voter Page
After logging in, look for “Status” under the “Personal Information” section. If you see a green “Active” status your registration is fine! Just make sure your address is up to date.
If your status says:
- “Inactive” – Even if your status is listed as Inactive, you can still vote! But an inactive status means that you are in the first stage of a process that will result in you being purged from the rolls. It is very important that you take the necessary steps to get off the “inactive list” as soon as possible. One of the easiest ways to do this is to vote during the next election! Read about what to do to solve this problem here.
- “Contact County” – This means that your County Elections Office is missing a piece of information it needs to complete your registration. It could also mean that you are old enough to be registered to vote (17.5 years old) but you’re not yet old enough to vote in an election (18 years old). Contact your County Elections Office as soon as possible to correct the issue.
We each deserve to have our voice heard and ideas represented in the community we live in, so why not do what it takes to make that happen?
This November, we encourage you to join your family, friends and neighbors by making a plan to #VoteTogether because when we all vote, good things can happen!