A popular YouTube video that examines equity and privilege.
Zip Code destiny – NPR
Hidden Brain Podcast that discusses early variables in your life, from the quality of your kindergarten teacher to the neighborhood you grew up in, and the can lasting effects it can have on economic mobility.
Negative Impacts of Gentrification
This article defines gentrification as an influx of capital and concomitant goods and services in locales where those resources were previously non-existent or denied. The author discusses the problems that gentrification causes.
Arlington, VA
The Arlington County Board approved a plan to build a five-story mixed-income apartment building. It will include 98 committed affordable units, most of them family-size.
Aug. 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes – Mayor announces desire to form task force
Aug. 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes – Mayor announces desire to form task force
Small Area Plan, North River Node Next TEN Comprehensive plan
The Roswell Road Small Area Plan is an addendum to The Next Tex: Comprehensive Plan for Sandy Springs, GA. This Small Area Plan provides a vision and an implementation path for a re-imagined Roswell Road. This addendum builds background and explains the community engagement process. It delves into the demographics of the area as well as outlining existing land use and the character of the community.