A new year is (finally) right around the corner.
Let’s face it: this year wasn’t the greatest. For many, this was the most challenging and unstable year of their lives.
As we all reflect on this past year, take some time to pay respect to all who lost their lives this year and keep their loved ones in your thoughts.
Equally, it’s also important to say thank you to all of the essential workers who risked their lives every single day to serve and protect our community. We will never forget.
Though this year was undoubtedly dark, we must keep our spirits bright and look forward to what a new year can bring us.
If 2020 has proven anything, it’s that a lot can change in just a single year.
We’re more confident than ever that if we continue to work together and support each other through difficult times, 2021 can be the best year yet.
In fact, things are already looking up!
We’ve seen our city come together like never before through volunteering, help from non-profit organizations, action from the city and so many simple, but important, acts of kindness from neighbors and members of the community.
We look forward to the day when we can all safely get back out into the community and shop the incredible local businesses we love and dine-in at our favorite restaurants.
If we all continue to do our part, that day will be here before we know it. But, until then — continue to stay safe and follow safety guidelines. We can do this.
Holiday blessings to you and yours!