What’s Happening
The first North End Advisory Meeting has been officially scheduled.
The details are:
DATE: February 10, 2020
TIME: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE: 1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs, Ga. 30328
Why It Matters
As you may recall, the city has formed an advisory committee to work with the Shopping Center Design Company TSW. You can read more about that decision and the details here: http://bit.ly/2SjEeIG
These meetings are open to the public, and we encourage you to attend to learn more about what this committee aims to accomplish.
An interview of each of the participants will be conducted in the meeting, in an effort to learn and understand the objectives of each participant.
Please check the Sandy Springs Public Calendar for future meetings.
What’s on the Agenda
- A short welcome, along with introductions of the participants
- An overview of current North End projects (River Access/Conceptual Design, presented by Economic Development Director Andrea Worthy)
- North End Conceptual Design – Stakeholder Interview, led by TSW Design Team
Questions That Need Answers
- Who will be interested in improving retail?
- Who will be interested in building new housing, and what kind?
- Who will be interested in PRESERVING the affordability of the existing apartments?
- What else are they interested in?
Why You Should Be There
This is a great opportunity to get some insight into how this process is going to roll out, and who is going to have influence and who is not.
Please let us know your thoughts and reactions to the meeting by emailing us on our website at News@SandySpringsTogether.org