At Sandy Springs Together, we have made it our mission to advocate for affordable housing for everyone in our city. Access to affordable housing is an essential aspect to any strong and diverse community. We take pride in our ability to hold elected officials accountable, educate the public and create change around such an important issue.
With that, we could not be happier to announce that we have received a letter of support from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta.
The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta (CFGA) has long been dedicated to strengthening communities throughout the entire Atlanta area, making diversity and inclusion a priority in all of the work that they do.
It’s because of this that the Community Foundation recognizes, like we do, the urgency of the housing crisis that is impacting not only Sandy Springs, but all of Atlanta.
The Community Foundation makes it a point to mention one of the most harmful problems related to a lack of affordable housing: increased traffic.
When families are unable to afford to live close to major job centers, the result is more cars on the road and more miles traveled.
That isn’t good for workers and their families. It’s not good for employers and business development. And it’s not good for Sandy Springs.
We know we can do much better than we’re doing now. We need to make investments in programs and services that can help create a more connected, accessible city and that are attractive to community for all our citizens, workers and the businesscommunity, as well.
When families are in a good place financially and aren’t being dragged down by every-increasing housing costs, everyone benefits:
- Families have more money in their pockets to put back into the local economy
- Employers are attracted to a more connected, accessible community
- Less traffic on the roads results in less congestion, accidents and pollution
Sandy Springs is at a pivotal moment in our history.
The future has never been brighter for our city, but we must prioritize investing in affordable housing before we have pushed everyone out and lost opportunities for growth.
We are proud to have the support of CFGA, and look forward to a future of advocating for issues related to affordable housing on behalf of families in Sandy Springs.