Our city’s development code is undergoing a review. Here, you can find a detailed explanation about Sandy Springs’ development code: Development Regulations | City of Sandy Springs  

“The development code is a set of regulations that govern land use and the built environment within the city. It includes rules about building height, lot size, building setbacks, land uses, and the zones where they are most appropriate, and many other development characteristics. The development code is updated periodically to reflect changes in the community and to ensure that it is consistent with the city's goals for growth and development.”

A public meeting was held on September 26 to explain the proposed code changes and to receive public comments. The city has created a helpful video, Sept 26, 2023 Development Code Public Open House, explaining the process and providing a summary of the proposed changes.  

This code will direct the future development of our city in terms of what is constructed, what is replaced and what is preserved. Here is a link to the info boards that were shown at the meeting for your review: https://up.sandyspringsga.gov/sites/default/files/2023-09/2023-09-26%20Open%20House%20Boards.pdf   

A brief summary of the proposed changes…

  • Could allow more housing options in some areas, such as accessory dwellings and cottage court housing configurations, which would allow more creative ways to provide additional housing, such as garage apartments and cottages around a central courtyard in more areas of the city
  • Could also allow some smaller (4-12 unit) multi-family housing in areas outside of the Protected Neighborhoods, in the more urban settings within the city  
  • Could also allow more options for restaurants and retail, including more small grocery stores
  • Could allow new height allowances to specific districts, which would provide more affordable housing options as developers can build UP, reducing the cost of construction
  • Additionally, there are proposed codes concerning gas stations and Electric Vehicle recharging stations and where they should be allowed.

Do you have ideas, suggestions or reactions to the above proposed development code changes? The city wants to hear your thoughts. Public Comments are easy to submit and are  open until October 13, 2023.  

Use this link to share your thoughts: https://forms.sandyspringsga.gov/SandySprings/form/DevelopmentCodeUpdatePublicInput1/formperma/Ux26HXMELho-VzTb1QwUMNpE3TS-l1Am7eYiMAWJmzY .  

The consultants will incorporate public comments into the proposal and present their findings to the Planning Commission on Monday, November 13, and then to the City Council on December 5. Please stay involved, informed and offer suggestions to ensure that the voices of residents from all sectors of our community are heard and considered. 



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